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Leading Law Firm in Bangladesh

Leading Law Firm in Dhaka

Preparing Due Diligence Report for Business/Company in Bangladesh

Leading Law Firm in Dhaka, Bangladesh

What is Due Dilligence Report

After Registering a Company in Bangladesh, the company must stay compliant to the laws of Bangladesh, this is way regularly conducting due diligence and preparing due diligence report helps businesses in Bangladesh to stay compliant. Due diligence is the examination or exercising of caution that is required to be performed by a fair company or individual before entering into a transaction with another party. Such an examination is carried out by conducting a deep investigation on the documents and records of an entity with a certain level of care. It is the aim of doing due diligence to find out the important information as well as the possible liability of an entity. Sometimes it becomes necessary to examine employees of an entity for the sake of a fair enquiry or investigation. In other words, conducting a professional due diligence can ensure whether the relevant transaction is worthwhile. This type of transaction could be a merger, takeover, licensing or other transactions. Moreover, a due diligence can also be performed into own’s own business to understand the worth of your business; this must be done before the negotiation of a merger or major sale starts.

How Due Diligence Helps a Business to Stay Up-To-Date

In this modern commercial world, most of the businesses are running with various legal complexities and it is natural that businesses incur liabilities or possible liabilities. The liabilities can arise from variety of dealings which include Debts, leases, warranties, contracts, lawsuits (whether pending or running) and any other agreements. Therefore, these things are very crucial at the time of a transaction. The importance of due diligence comes to this point. Due diligence can certainly help a business to stay in the safe side. It has many stages before it ensures whether a transaction is safe and profitable or it is risky.

Moreover, a legal due diligence helps a business when they can see the real benefit or risk factors. Most of the time it verifies their assumptions on another company. It enables a business to make the ultimate decision on a transaction with confidence.

Nowadays, sale of the proprietary right to goods or services has become a usual transaction. Therefore, the need for a legal due diligence on such a transaction has become inevitable. Since, investigation on the intellectual property shall be mandatory in this context.

Legal Due Diligence certainly keeps a business UpToDate and ensure compliance directly or indirectly. This is because, the way the documents are inspected closely and thoroughly during the Due Diligence investigation, it certainly brings out the real picture of a business. This is very much important during a merger or takeover. 

Our experienced lawyers provide clients with up to date information since the investigation is conducted with researching the governing laws, relevant rules and regulations. These helps the client to stay up to date and ensure compliance with the laws and regulations.  

How can FMA, being a Leading Law Firm in Bangladesh Assists on preparing Due Diligence Report.

FMA’s expert legal team through its in-depth research and investigation reveal the real profit or risk of any transaction. We do not only concentrate on the current risk affairs of a company or entity, rather, we also focus on the future risks of the business from different perspectives. We focus on each and every legal documents of a company (Company Incorporation Certificate, Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, Stockholder agreement and Limited liability agreement), also investigate the contracts such as, Customer contracts, Supply contracts, Operating contracts and Licenses. 

Our expert team also consider several crucial issues during the due diligence investigation that includes, potential risk (if any) associates with the transfer of assets, building code requirements, environmental liabilities, official paper records, restrictive covenants etc. FMA can also provide its client a written finding of legal due diligence by way of Memorandum. Such a memorandum shall comprise of all scrutinized documents, recommendations, discoveries, solutions and many more as the it demands.

FMA gives its all efforts in order to maintain its standard by protecting its client interest in a transaction. During a legal due diligence investigation, we consider and examine each and every documents or records of a company crucially. Be it a loan agreement, guarantees, promissory notes or any other legal instruments. Besides the financial documents, we also focus deeply on the litigation history of the entity. In case of merger and acquisition, our expert lawyers draft the merger or acquisition agreement and also negotiate these.

Moreover, our financial legal team will engage in the investigation to bring out information of the company’s current tax structure and other tax affairs, financial structure of the company, detail analysis on the financial sustainability of the company, net profits, financial forecasting and many more.
